Links to useful marine related databases, atlases, mapping tools, etc. for British Columbia.
Science Blogs – (compiled by Jai Ranganathan) To add these blogs as bookmarks folder right click link and download the linked html file, go to your bookmark manager and import the sciblogbookmarks.html file from your desktop. Further instructions here (firefox, chrome, internet explorer, safari).
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project designed to provide resource managers, scientists, decision-makers, and those with a vested interest in the marine environment with resources that will help to inform coast-wide integrated marine planning and management initiatives.
Marine Biodiversity of British Columbia Lifedesk is an online reference for some of the marine biodiversity of British Columbia, Canada and includes invertebrate species from fouling plates, seagrass beds and soft-sediment beaches. It is the digital version of the physical reference collection that will be donated to the new Beaty Biodiversity Museum. The reference collection was compiled by researchers in the Marine Invasive Species Lab at the University of British Columbia.
The Community Mapping Network helps communities in British Columbia and Canada map sensitive habitats and species distributions using customized data entry and digitizing tools integrated with links to local/remote data sets, WMS sources, geo-referenced videos and SHIM projects.
Family Tree of Marine Ecology – The Academic Genealogy of Marine Ecology is a free, volunteer-run website designed to help you track your academic genealogy. Their goal is to collect information about the graduate student and postdoctoral connections between researchers in the field of ecology.
Online White Board – Useful for digital collaboration